Wednesday, July 13

Dirty Breakfast

One of our number is getting married soon, and on his stag we made sure that there were a minimum of 2 eggs per person per day, with equal amounts sausages and bacon. Sunday recovery mode:

English mustard on everything is the way forward...

Wednesday, July 6

It happened again...

So I'm 'Home Alone' again. And, once I'd finished crafting ingenious booby-traps and slapping my hands across my face in an adorable fashion, it was time to make myself another stupid dinner.
Todays lonesome feast consisted of an eight sausage toad-in-the-hole, served with roasted potatoes and leeks cooked with garlic and fennel, together with a red wine and mushroom gravy.
Pretty low key for a one-man-meal I'd say.
This evening's meal was sponsored by several episodes of Deadwood (the finest TV show ever made - fact) and, of course, 'red wine'. Super.